"The PopBoard NRW represents pop music in Germany’s most populous federal state and was founded as such out of the active scene itself. It covers the entire music landscape – from freelance musicians to socio-cultural centres and clubs, to labels, publishers and distributors. It is the point of contact for politics and administrations, advocates for greater appreciation and equality for pop music, and offers support and suggested solutions to everyone active in pop music in North Rhine-Westphalia.”

Our pop-Map Shows the Structures in


Under the motto “Everything new – the Witten sustainability festival for a shared future”, the third sustainability kits forum will take place …

On 07.12. we invite you to our next Pop vor Ort event in Münster. We are collaborating with Münsterbandnetzt.de, who have put …

In the fall, we are offering new dates on the topic of introduction and advice on barrier-free event planning & inclusive cultural …

Individual Online Advice for your questions


The Year

in Review