Popboard Nrw Associates

cologne on pop GmbH

The Cologne pop music festival, including an industry meeting, has been held since 2004.

KLUBKOMM – Verband Kölner Clubs und Veranstalter e.V.

The association of Cologne Clubs and Organisers brings together around 100 makers.

LiveInitiative NRW e.V. (LINA)

The LiveInitiative NRW (LINA) is the association of those working in concerts, club, cultural and music events in North Rhine-Westphalia.

PRO MUSIK - Verband freier Musikschaffender e.V.

PRO MUSIK was newly founded in 2021 and represents the interests of all freelance music creators, regardless of genre and training.


Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Musik Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

The umbrella organisation for music in child and youth welfare brings together 29 music associations and institutions.

Landesmusikrat Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

The State Music Council of North Rhine-Westphalia is the umbrella organisation of music associations and clubs in North Rhine-Westphalia and represents 55 associations and over 20 individual members.

musicNRWwomen* e.V.

musicNRWwomen* is an association of FLINTA* people who are committed to gender equality, live in North Rhine-Westphalia and come from various areas of the music business.

Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Soziokultureller Zentren Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

The LAG Soziokultur NRW has been the professional representative of the socio-cultural centres in North Rhine-Westphalia since 1982.

Förderverein Musikwirtschaft NRW e.V. i.G.

State-wide association of owners and representatives of labels, music publishers, self-marketers, service providers and other companies in the music industry.