Music Workshop Day in Siegen, on 24.10.2024

Shortly after the start of the semester, the PopBoard NRW, the working group “Popular Music & Gender Studies” of the Institute of Music at the University of Siegen and the Beautiful Noise Siegen e.V. invite you to the Music Workshop Day.

You have the choice between a songwriting workshop with the musician Diana Ezerex and a workshop on mental health with the psychologist and musician Tobias Dolle. The free program starts at 16:00 on the Adolf Reichwein Campus, meeting point is the room (AR-A 1093 / Sound-Lab). There are a limited number of places for both sessions, so register early to ensure your participation. It continues in the evening at the Vortex Surfer Music Club with two concerts by Henry Lee and Diana Ezerex.

Please register for the workshops with your name and topic to

The offer is also explicitly open to interested people who are not studying at the University of Siegen.


16:00 – 18:00 hrs | Lecturer: Tobias Dolle
Workshop: Mental health in pop music

16:00 – 19:00 hrs | Lecturer: Diana Ezerex
Workshop: Songwriting

21:00 | Concert: Henry Lee

22:00 | Concert: Diana Ezerex

Admission to all events is free of charge! We are looking forward to a great day with you.