“Pop on site” in the Sauerland: The Club 574 e.V. and the PopBoard NRW invite you to come to the Between the Days Festival in Olpe on 29.12.2023 to talk about FLINTA* in pop and rock music.
There is still no gender equality in the music industry. Together with Johanna Bauhus from the Ladys & Ladies Label to discuss the situation of women and non-binary people in the music world, what experiences you have had and where there are starting points to improve the current situation.
Johanna Bauhus (she/her) is a label boss, musician, manager, event organizer, expert for awareness concepts and lobbyist for change processes in the music industry. She achieved a great deal of media attention in 2022 with the “Cock Am Ring” project, with which she ensured more diversity on festival line-ups.
Everyone is invited to take part, regardless of gender or previous knowledge.
Afterwards, you can join the Between The Days Festival at Drehwerk Olpe and look forward to the following music program:
GONG WAH, Fuzzwave (Cologne), TICKET TO HAPPINESS, folk rock (Siegen), FRANK’S WHITE CANVAS, pop rock, alternative rock (Chile), DONNERLITTCHEN, acoustic punk (Olpe), DAILY THOMPSON, fuzz rock, dessert blues (Dortmund)
PROGRAM |Friday, 29.12.2023
► Talk 18-19:00 (admission from 17:45)
Free admission! | Please register via info@club574.de
► Festival 7:30 pm (admission 7:00 pm)
Tickets VVK 15€, AK 18€
► Location: Drehwerk, Nicolaus-Otto-Str. 4 (Hüppcherhammer business park), 57462 Olpe